Wednesday, January 12, 2011

More Answered Prayer for My Husband (And a Word on Prayer for Marriage Restoration)

"I will heal their apostasy,
         I will love them freely,
         For My anger has turned away from them.

 I will be like the dew to Israel;
         He will blossom like the lily,
         And he will take root like the cedars of Lebanon.

His shoots will sprout,
         And his beauty will be like the olive tree         

And his fragrance like the cedars of Lebanon.

Those who live in his shadow
         Will again raise grain
         And they will blossom like the vine.
         His renown will be like the wine of Lebanon."
Hosea 14:4-7

I felt I needed to write a "postscript" to last night's post. Specifically I wanted to mention the blessing of praying Hosea 14:4-7 for your spouse as they begin to recover their spiritual "senses." (2 Timothy 2:26) In the text (above) we see that God foretold that He would heal the nation of Israel's backsliding. While I recognize that when God spoke these words He was giving a promise to Israel, I also believe that there is a spiritual principle here of the sanctifying work of God which is for all believers. So then, let's first note that this passage speaks of these things as God's work. They're not ours, we can't heal our spouse's past - only God can. Looking closer at the text I highlighted in pink, we see that He promised to do three things: Heal them, love them, and be "like the dew" to them.

Without getting too much into it, I can say that this passage perhaps more than any other, has been one of the most meaningful ones I've prayed for my husband's spiritual restoration. Hosea 14:4-7 is the essence of what God wants to do in the hearts of men. In Aaron's life, as I prayed that God would heal his "apostasy", this came to pass in many ways.

First, as I've already talked about, he was granted godly sorrow that led him to repentance. Next he renounced (or as the King James and NASB would say, "denied") his ungodliness by beginning to do what was right. (Daniel 4:27; Titus 2:12) This meant that in our case, since we were recovering from his emotional affair, he began to be accountable to me and our pastor. He willingly checked in by phone with me throughout the day and allowed me to ask a lot of questions - especially in the beginning. He also made himself available whenever I needed to talk, even if it was about the pain he had caused me. Finally, God healed his apostasy by enabling him to become "transformed by the renewing of his mind." (Romans 12:2) I stated this before, but his entire way of thinking changed and began to line up with God's Word.

As for God loving him, this has also become a reality for Aaron. For the first time in his life he is confident that God loves him. He knows that he is a beloved son because the Lord has poured out His love within his heart. (Romans 5:5) God has been faithful to honor His word in Hosea - His wonderful word which promises that He will love us freely - as it's been prayed by not only me, but others who care about my husband as well.

"I will be like the dew to (him)." Oh, how this has been answered! The Lord has truly become my husband's rock and his hiding place. When the storms of life, like a hectic job, have hit hard, Aaron has found refreshment in the Lord. Also, I think the fact that God has enlightened the eyes of his heart (Ephesians 1:18) by helping him to have greater understanding of His word, is an answer to this prayer as well. Everyday Aaron is strengthened and encouraged, and oftentimes convicted, as he spends time studying the Bible.

Now, these have been just a few glimpses of the things God has done in response to praying this passage in Hosea. It's been a highlight of my prayer life this last year and a half. As a side note let me say this - if you're recovering from a spouse's adultery, the entire book of Hosea may be a tremendous encouragement to you if you have not read itIf you have, you may wish to reread it. I think you will find many parallels there to what you've been through, and will come away from it with insight and wisdom.

One last thing! Lest you think that I forgot to include answered prayer for our marriage in my last post, I want you to know that I'll be including quite a bit about that in the near future. I'm very excited and looking forward to sharing all that's happened, and is happening, in greater detail. I'll be turning once again to Hosea 14 and sharing some things as they relate to that passage.

However, before I close now can I give one bit of advice? This is for those of you whose marriages are in recovery: Pray that God will restore and heal your marriage a hundred-fold. Then ask Him to make it better than it's ever been. I have probably prayed this prayer a thousand times and have seen such wondrous results from it. If you don't know where or how to begin praying for your marriage, then this is a good place to start. It's the kind of prayer that God honors; demonstrating both your trust and dependence on Him. And remember what I said before - God is always for marriage. Therefore, He will not only hear your prayer, He will most certainly answer it.

Go in peace this week!

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