Friday, April 15, 2011

Bunny Wilson's Straight Talk to Wives

Okay Ladies - this was just too good not to share! Below is a link to a radio broadcast of D. James Kennedy's "Truths That Transform," which originally aired February 4, 2009, featuring Christian speaker Bunny Wilson. It's the second of a two part series entitled, "Can We Talk?" While the first message is directed at single women, this second one is aimed at wives and is right on. As you'll see, she doesn't mince words; but in a spirit of humility Mrs. Wilson delivers a fitting and timely word about respecting our husbands. I hope it will give you an appetite for learning more about what respect "looks like" as I'll be starting the series on that soon. 

With that said I will tell you that I feel as if I'm writing an absolute book on Biblical vs. false femininity! If you've been here for any length of time you know that's true - I just can't seem to keep it short and simple. At any rate, because of the amount of stuff that I've been going over in my mind and on paper, I haven't yet finished the promised article on this subject. I am working on it though and hope to have it done soon. (If I was really into emoticons I'd put a big smiley guy here!)

However, before I do finish... This weekend my family and I are going to a Christian camp where I don't think I'll even see  a computer! Truth be told - I hope not! We really need a little R & R. Next week I'll be back in full swing and so I hope to see you here again by midweek.

Also, thanks to all who have participated in the survey. If you haven't yet, won't you please consider doing that now? I'd really appreciate it. Also, I think it'd be wonderful if you would share it with your friends. Just this morning the issue of respect came up as I was talking with a lady by phone. She explained her frustration with the fact that we wives today seem to have lost our understanding of what it really is. We know how to "love" our husbands; that comes naturally. But respect is something completely foreign to most of us. It certainly was to me for the better part of seventeen years. Yet, undeniably, Scripture says it's the very thing our men need! 

That's why this message is really on my heart. Just look around and you'll see broken homes and broken marriages everywhere. Off the top of my head I could probably name three or four couples I know who are going through a divorce or having serious relationship problems. It's so sad! And, unfortunately, while we may do a better job of hiding it, the church is also full of such heartache. 

As Christians, however, we're not without hope. We have the Word of God to instruct us. That's why, as I've stated before (and will keep stating), I believe respect for husbands is the power of God given to wives to win them to the Lord - and to themselves. (1 Peter 3:1) As a result marriages can be absolutely turned around. I know because I've experienced it!

And yet, as there's been a resurgence in Biblical admonition from the pulpit and elsewhere about the wife's role, confusion over how to obey the respect command is still a major problem. The cry of many women I've been talking to is simply: We need to know HOW to respect our husbands!

Once more then, to get started on this journey of respect I highly recommend you listen to Can We Talk? (Part 2) by Bunny Wilson. Curl up with a cup of tea or coffee, click on the link, and hit the play button. Be prepared to be challenged!

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