Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wise Men and a Wise Woman

Before getting back to the topic of prayer, I wanted to share a little Christmas thought with you that's been on my heart these last few days. In thinking about the wise men that came to worship the young Child, Jesus, I also pondered the wise woman of Proverbs 14:1, "The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish tears it down with her own hands."

Now, while there are a couple other places in the Bible where a wise woman is mentioned, I don't think anywhere else may we find such a beautiful, albeit brief, glance of the wise woman within the confines of her God-given domain - the home. Even though I've written about her before, I think she is worth looking at again. Perhaps especially since, just after Christmas Day, many of us will be busying ourselves with making resolutions for the New Year.

So, as we come to worship Jesus at the Advent of His birth, what is it about this wise woman that the Bible should mention her? How may we be like her in order to come before Him in a pleasing way? In studying the whole counsel of Scripture I observe three things in which a wise woman excels. And I believe we would do well if, we too, would strive in these areas. 

A Wise Woman Builds Her House By:

1. Respecting/ Honoring Her Husband
     A wise woman respects her husband (Ephesians 5:33). This means she accepts, admires, and appreciates him. She doesn't try to change him, but is thankful for the man that he is. She tells him so. So maybe he doesn't always make the wisest decisions, or perhaps he's just a slob - but she married him for better or for worse and she accepts him as he is - a sinner, the only kind of man to marry. She chooses to look to his finer side and focuses on that, reminding him often of the things she admires about him.
     She also honors his leadership and teaches the children to do the same. She accepts the God-given order of authority and is glad that the buck stops with her husband. Since he is responsible before the Lord, she has no need for worry. Letting go of the reigns frees her to concentrate on serving her family and doing well at her domestic duties. Additionally, as a reward, a wise woman earns the respect of her husband and becomes his most trusted confidant and advisor. In this supporting role she is satisfied with her life.
     Finally, she is a sympathetic and understanding wife. This is the opposite of a selfish and demanding wife. Thus, the wise woman understands that her husband's job is a heavy responsibility and must sometimes take priority over the family. When he's late, she keeps his dinner warm and is there to greet him with a welcoming smile and encouraging words. To her glory, the godly wife knows that her man may be out of sorts from time to time and so she develops a thick skin and learns to overlook his small transgressions. All in all, she is a woman who is clothed with strength and dignity. (Proverbs 31:25)

2. Loving Her Children

     The wise woman builds a wall of protection and security around her children by being affectionate, caring, and concerned. She looks to their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. If she did not have good parental role models herself she studies and learns from other godly mothers, as well as searches the Scriptures for insight.
     Additionally, the woman of this caliber does not neglect her children in favor of her own career, goals, desires, and plans. Rather she sees her time as a wise investment in the hearts and lives of the precious ones entrusted to her care. A wise woman does not resent having children, but believes the Scripture that says that children are a heritage of the Lord, and His reward. (Psalm 127:3)
    To her, each of her children is a unique individual - fashioned by the hand of God. As she takes time to get to know them, she appreciates them for who they are. She works to understand them, what makes them "tick," and seeks to provide what each of them needs. Her heart is to train them in the ways of the Lord. Even while she's loving and gentle, she also knows she must discipline them, when necessary, for their own good.
     Finally, she is the center of the family's home life and makes it warm, accepting, and joyous. Her children adore her; in fact, they arise up and call her blessed. (Proverbs 31:28)

3. Building Her Relationship With The Lord

     "Unless the LORD builds the house, They labor in vain who build it..." (Psalm 127:1) Her relationship with the Lord is her number one priority. She understands that knowing Him more and more is the most important thing; it will result in her being a better wife and mother. In order to do this, she rises early to spend time with the Lord. Rather than "winging it," she makes a spiritual growth plan and diligently works on it.
     The wise woman is humble and allows the Lord to search her heart and show her where she needs changing. However, since she is wise, she also realizes that she cannot rely on her own strength or understanding (Proverbs 3:5-7) to do it, but instead trusts the Lord to provide it for her.
     Lastly, a godly woman views each day as a gift from the Lord. She doesn't complain or whine, but thanks her Father for each and every thing, good or bad, He sends her way - knowing that He has her best interest at heart. (1 Thessalonians 5:18) She is at peace because she rests in the Lord.

God's presence to you all this Christmas and His blessings on the New Year!

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