Friday, October 8, 2010

Prayer to Release Your Debtor

Below is a prayer, a "Covenant of Forgiveness," written by Jefferson H. Floyd. Knowing that sometimes it's hard to put into words such things as this, I thought it might help you.

It's important to be honest and take your struggle to forgive to God. He knows about it anyway. I remember reading that Corrie Ten Boom, upon meeting a former concentration camp guard whom she had long been unforgiving towards, prayed inwardly, "Lord, help me to be willing to be willing to forgive." What a great prayer! Don't be afraid to ask Him to do the same for you; then pray the following covenant, preferably in the presence of another person who keeps confidences and has spiritual wisdom.

"Dear Heavenly Father,

     It is my choice today before God and man to affirm my covenant to forgive __________________________________ for the offense (pain, affliction, etc.) which he/she brought against me and thus in my life (describe offense briefly).
     I forgive him/her unconditionally for the things he/she did which produced such hurt.
     I drop every charge which I have brought against him/her and give up the right to ever charge him/her again for this offense.
     I cancel every judgement I have made against him/her and every way that I have applied that judgement against God and man.
     In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I release him/her from all responsibility for the hurt which his/her behavior provoked in me leaving him/her totally accountable to God; instead I assume all responsibility for my choice to be offended and unforgiving.
     Heavenly Father, I drop every charge I (may) have had against You for permitting this to happen to me and (ask you to) please forgive me for any way that I have blamed You in this offense.
     I drop every charge I have levied against myself for every wrong attitude, action, and reaction associated with my offense.
    Heavenly Father, as I have forgiven (supply name) for the hurt I have experienced, please forgive me of my hurt, bitterness, anger, and unforgiveness.
     Holy Spirit, please come and heal my thoughts, my emotions, and my memories from all the damage and defilement caused by my offense.
     Thank you, Father, for my healing.

     In may be necessary to pray more than once regarding a particular issue. Continue to pray until you have peace."

The Lord be with you until next time. Contact me at if you have a question, or would like help or specific prayer.

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